2021 Mason Intermediate School Teacher of the Year
Chelsea Wirtz

Please join us in congratulating Mason City Schools 5th grade Language Arts and Social Studies Teacher, Chelsea Wirtz, the 2021 Mason Schools Foundation Above and Beyond Teacher of the Year winner at Mason Intermediate School.
This year, amidst a pandemic, Mrs. Wirtz stepped away from her traditional classroom with a passion to teach students from home who chose to participate in online learning. Though many hiccups and obstacles Mrs. Wirtz always made virtual learning look easy to her students.
Mrs Wirtz was nominated for this prestigious award by one of her virtual students who said, “Mrs. Wirtz is available for us 24 hours a day. She is always making sure we strive for our best and will respond even if I send a message in the evening!”
Mrs. Wirtz did not allow the challenges of teaching from home get in the way of assuring her students excelled in their studies. Through her daily morning messages, morning meetings, class time and office hours she made sure she was available anytime her students needed, far exceeding anyone’s expectations.
Chelsea Wirtz not only exemplifies the values of our foundation, she has been an advocate of our mission and goals for many years. Mrs. Wirtz regularly shares how MSF has made a huge impact on her students and the community by supporting her ideas to take educational experiences above and beyond and by funding grants such as author visits and her Mock Newberry Reading Book Club.
We are thrilled to recognize Mrs. Wirtz as Teacher of the Year!
🌟 Congratulations Mrs. Wirtz 🌟

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