2021 Mason Early Childhood Center Teacher of the Year
Jamie Bunch

Please join us in congratulating Mason Early Childhood Center 2nd grade Math and Science Teacher Jamie Bunch. She was named the 2021 Mason Schools Foundation Above and Beyond Teacher of the Year at MECC!
Mrs. Bunch is well known as a teacher who continually goes above and beyond creating fun learning environments that bring education to life for her students. Each and every day her second graders come to class excited to see what new learning adventure Mrs. Bunch is going to take them on that day! She has a unique ability to engage and support every student and her bright smile and bubbly personality shows that she is just as excited to teach her kids as they are to learn creating many #masonmoments in and out of the classroom.
One parent commented, “Mrs. Bunch goes above and beyond every day by making sure every student is part of the learning experience. Some may say that is part of the job, but to me that is pretty amazing!”
Mrs. Bunch exemplifies the values of The Mason Schools Foundation and she could not be more deserving of this recognition!
🌟 Congratulations Mrs. Bunch! 🌟

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