2022 Mason High School Teacher of the Year
Timothy King

As National Teacher Appreciation week concludes, we could not think of a better time to congratulate Language Arts teacher, Timothy King, on being named the 2022 Mason Schools Foundation ‘Above and Beyond’ Teacher of the Year at Mason High School.
In a few weeks Mr. King will be wrapping up his 39th year of teaching in Mason City Schools. He is loved by all and described as welcoming, kind, caring, funny, a genuinely good soul. Student Ashley Berry shared, “Everywhere he goes he brings happiness with him and makes the best out of any situation. He is so helpful and understanding and wants everyone to succeed.“ Classmate Domenica Marietta added, “He always goes the extra mile to make sure we understand what we are being taught and I can’t thank him enough for that.”
Mr. King is known to adapt his teaching style to the needs of all of his students. He is very hands-on and follows their lead to determine the best way for his students to learn. “I will remember my last year at Mason fondly because of this teacher. He is always willing to rearrange lesson plans to accommodate every student in his classroom,” shared senior Kaylee Rennekamp. “He makes an effort to listen to what everyone has to say and makes sure that each person feels important,” added Chris Agricola. “I wish every teacher would take after Mr. King and teach the way he does.”
In addition to teaching junior English Mr. King leads Words from the Wild, an environmental literature course for seniors who love the great outdoors. It was touching to learn that when grading required journal entries Mr. King included a sheet of paper of his own. Kaylee Rennekamp went on to explain, “Throughout the year, he collects his thoughts of each student on the paper. He writes things such as why the student stands out to him or how he believes they will impact the world. Receiving these papers at the end of the class was one of the most heartwarming experiences I have had. He wants all of his students to know they are important and he goes out of his way to prove it.” Student Grace Major said, “Mr. King is a teacher I will look back on in future years and be grateful for being in his class.”
Mr. King and his wife Amy moved from Dayton to Mason 38 years ago where they raised their three children who all graduated from Mason High School. When not teaching, he enjoys spending time outdoors fly fishing, birding, hiking, and canoeing. Learning this made it clear why Mr. King was a perfect fit to teach Words from the Wild. Another blessing is spending time with his four grandsons who are 4yrs old and younger.
Mr. King exclaimed “MHS is a very exciting place!” and that receiving this award was a big surprise for him. However, it was not a surprise to anyone else! He shared, “Finding a teaching job in Mason has been one of the best things that has ever happened to me. This has been a great community and school district for as long as I have known it.”
Mr. King goes ‘Above and Beyond’ every single day and clearly exemplifies the values of the Mason Schools Foundation. It was our honor to recognize him as the 2022 Teacher of the Year!
🌟 Please join us in congratulations, Mr. Timothy King! 🌟

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