Mason Schools Foundation
MSF News
Reading Challenge 2024 - Big Success
Posted on 1/1/1970

The Mason Schools Foundation Reading Challenge is a beloved tradition, and this year's event created massive #MasonMoments with reading goals achieved, funds raised, and fun had by all! MECC students read 21,581 books - besting their 20,000 book goal! They celebrated by having extra gym and recess with their teachers. ME students read 476,134 minutes - beating their 100,000 minute goal. MI students read 392,120 minutes - tripling their 100,000 minute goal. ME and MI students attended special reading celebrations for smashing their goals. Overall, the fundraiser brought in $84,656, and Mason Elementary had the highest participation rate at 43.5 percent! Many thanks to all the MSF volunteers!

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Mason Schools Foundation is a community-driven non-profit foundation that facilitates grants, organizes community events, and recognizes teaching excellence for the betterment of the entire Mason Schools District.
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